Monday, December 13, 2021

my relationship with technology

 technology has a very big role in my life. it is one off the things that keeps helping me out and pushes me to do more and try more things. I know that technology can be scary to people because it is always changing and evolving faster than most can even keep up with it. the idea of there being a hostile AI with a plot to destroy the world seems like nothing more than a far fetched dream to me, it is nothing more than a scary story to tell children. I do however have some concerns with how facial recognition is working with AI in some countries where it measures how you live your life and ranks you, limiting people from living the way they want. I do not think I would like something like that to be all over the world, it would mean there is no place a person can fully relax without being watched and ranked. Even though technology is ever evolving I can not wait to see where we will be in the next few decades and things will only get better.

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