for my eoto presentation i chose to do satellite tv and radio. this technology is a key part of our society today without it we would have very little entertainment. The invention of satellite tv and radio goes back all the way to the 60's and 70's when tv was starting to get big and people were starting to be able to afford to have tv's in their houses and personal lives. this was a huge breakthrough in the world of media and communication. with this people could watch movies at certain times and the news would also be on at certain times. with the introduction of news television people could witness what was going on in the world and in their local area. this had never been seen before, until that time people had to rely on the news paper to tell them what was going on around them and they trusted the news paper more than anything. the main problem they were trying to solve with this new invention was that people would get their news a day or two late and would not be able to accurately tell what was going on in the world at the time. with this invention people were able to learn what was going on and who was doing it. this was key in the Vietnam war where people were actually seeing what war was and what was happening on the ground, unlike in world war II were people had to rely on picture and news reels from a few days ago at the earliest to learn what was actually happening in the war, in the Vietnam wars people could see in real time what they were doing and how they were affecting the world.
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